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RE: [TR] TR3A oil/now heater

To: <>
Subject: RE: [TR] TR3A oil/now heater
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:45:18 -0700
> People ask why I don't just put the top up, and I try to lay out my
> "box" theory:  that is, we live in boxes, eat/sleep/rest in boxes, leave our
> box to drive to work in a box with wheels, get out of that box and enter a
> box where we work...etc. ad naseum.

I put it much simpler ... to me, the car seems claustrophobic with the top up.
I don't like the experience at all, I'd rather drive my support vehicle than the
TR3 with the soft top (or worse yet the hard top) and side curtains on it.  This
leads to memorable events, like a few years ago when I showed up for the annual
Teddy Bear Run in the rain, with no top or sidecurtains, and my daughter hiding
under the tonneau cover !

> Ah, but to the point.  Randall, on these cold mornings, I understand the
> term "optional heater" better, because it's really optional to turn it on,
> given that it is not quite a furnace is it?

I have wondered about that ... I have a sneaking suspicion that they are all
simply in poor repair after all these years.  The design with the water entering
and exiting from the top almost ensures that the core will be partially blocked;
and I suspect the old fans just don't work as well as they used to.  At one time
(on a previous TR3A), I had a heater that would burn your leg (but of course
still let the rest of you freeze <g>).  That car, BTW, was delivered without a
heater, still had the blanking plates in place.  I added an original-type heater
for winter driving to work.


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