Here's how I do it:
1. Sit on padded chair
2. Place overdrive unit between legs, drive flange down. Careful now!
3. Lift bridge piece. This will allow relative motion of the splines.
4. Keeping the drive flange fixed, (hence the padded seat) rotate the
overdrive unit till the splines are aligned. A flashlight helps here.
4a. If you have an old overdrive mainshat, use it now to check your work.
5. Do a trial fitting to the gearbox WITHOUT the cam or 8 springs. After the
overdrive goes fully home, pull it straight off w/o moving the rear flange.
6. Fit pump cam to mainshaft.
6. Using two deep well sockets as spacers, replace the o/d unit. It will rest
on the sockets, permitting the 8 springs to be positioned.
7. Remove sockets and draw the overdrive to the gearbox with the long studs,
being careful to move the cam to the pump while there's still sufficient
space. Some folks use a string or wire to depress the pump. I use two
screwdrivers: one to lift the cam, the other to depress the pump.
8. Works for me. First time. Every time.
Ed Woods
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