> However, it has alignment slots for the radiator-extension
> neck spout which do not line up with my replacement radiator. The
> extension-spout is about 3/4 to the right, and 3/4 below the
> cross brace.
Sorry, Paul, I have no clue what this is. None of my TR3As have had any
connection between the apron support and the radiator ... they actually move
a fair amount relative to each other, so I'm pretty sure creating a
connection here would be a bad idea. The radiator is not a structural
member !
> Also, the replacement radiator does not have anything at its
> edges to use as support mounts. IOW, while the fenders have attachments
> welded on them, the replacement radiator does not.. again, since I am not
> concours bound, I might be able to live without these upper
> supports- or do
> I risk another broken plastic fan & busted radiator?
IMO, those upper supports are absolutely essential. Take your old radiator
and the new one to a radiator shop, and ask them to transfer the brackets.
The brackets are just soldered to the shell, so this is an easy job for
them. While you are there, you might consider asking them if they could add
supports for the filler neck.
The upper supports should also be adjusted to put the least possible strain
on the radiator. Tighten the bottom bolts first, then adjust the nuts on
the upper supports so they just fall on either side of the bracket on the
inner fender.
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