I am in the midst of reassembling my TR250 to finish up a near frame off
1. I want to replace the padded center portion of the stock steering wheel
as there are a couple of small cracks in the original vinyl and a small dent
in one part of the pad. Unfortunately, these pads are not available.
However, TRF offers replacement vinyl 'skins' for the pad which I ordered
(~$25.-$30.). It is essentially a vacuum formed piece of vinyl that is to be
installed on my old pad. They suggest that I 'peel' the old vinyl off of my
pad and install the new vinyl in its place with contact cement. I am leery
of starting this process. First, if I screw it up I won't have a pad that is
anywhere near useable! Second, the one I have doesn't look too bad at all.
Have any of you listers or any of your friends, fellow club members, etc.
attempted to use this replacement part? If so what was your experience?
2. I want to rebuild the hydraulic PDWA. The seals in mine leak. I purchased
a seal kit, and a friend even sent me some proper sized o-rings when it
didn't look like I could get the repair kit. Unfortunately, my PDWA has the
shuttle that uses a 'lip seal' rather than an o-ring. Of course the lip seal
is not available! In Nelson Reidel's brake article that was on the Buckeye
Triumph site, he shows this shuttle and says that he was unable to locate
the lip seal. I have a write up from a list member from some time ago that
talks about turning a new shuttle out of aluminum on a lathe, I of course do
not have a lathe nor the skills or talent to use it! Does anyone on the
list have an o-ring style shuttle from an unused PDWA that they are willing
to part with, or know of some one that does have one?
That is all of the problems for now.
Thanks in advance,
Jim Bauder
'68 TR250, CD47L
TR web site: http://www.triumphowners.com/647
Scottsdale, AZ
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