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[TR] "New" TR

To: "TR" <>
Subject: [TR] "New" TR
From: "Alvin Watkins" <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 15:46:48 -0400
Last year I went to see several new TR7s that were advertised on Ebay.
The cars were at a dealer I was familiar with in my neighborhood. In
fact I had bought my used 1976 TR7 there in 1980. I saw the cars they
had been stored outside or under some type of canopy or roof top but not
in a closed space. They loooked good and I saw one get loaded onto a
truck that day. It ran and went up the ramp under it's own power. I
considered getting one. But after consideration I was reminded that the
car would have no systems (fuel, brake, etc.) as the rubber seals would
all probably be shot and the components would have to be rebuilt. I
started to find out the availablity of the parts and thats when I ran
into this list and i have been a member since. I still long to ride
another TR but recently when I had to buy a daily driver I punked out
for a Modern day roadster an S2000. Sorry  guys. But when I get some
extra cash.......

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