I placed the upper half of the two piece adjustable steering assembly in
my TR3A.
I placed the union between the upper and lower sections of the shaft. I
made sure that the bolts for the union (or you may call it a coupler)
were in the slots on each half of the shaft.
Now here's the question, how far should the shaft protrude out of the
tube at the upper end (the driver's end) for the steering wheel??
It just seems like the splined shaft is uncovered for about 2 inches ,
then the bakelite collar.
The bakelite collar for the adjustable wheel won't move and I am
thinking that is where my problem is.
I've checked all my books and there are not really any clear diagrams of
this assembly, in place on a car, or measurements, or any hints that I
could find.
If someone could help it would be greatly appreciated, I could send
photos and you would be able to see my dilemma.
Tony Cascio
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