Seems to be a lot of talk about us simple layman rebuilding our own
brake calipers lately.. I can't help but wonder if there isn't some
conspiracy surrounding this one component of the car.
I mean, why doesn't anyone really know the proper torque? Why haven't
these specs been published by the maker? And why isn't there anyone out
there selling the bolts for joining the two halves together?
But yet we are encouraged to let professionals do this work. Why? Do
they have the magic specs? Do only they possess the secret supplier of
the bolts? Pray, what crystal ball or magic elixir do the experts have
that we do not?
I'll certainly give them points for experience, they've got me beat on
this hands-down; and for this reason alone they should be considered by
anyone. But outside of this, and maybe some nicer equipment, what do
they have to offer? And if the experts do have all this super-secret
skills and knowledge, are they keeping it secret so that we, the laymen,
will part with out hard-earned dollars, paying them to ply their mystic
trade on our brake calipers?
Peace be with you!
Guy D. Huggins
We're not humans having a "spiritual experience", we're spirits having a
human experience...
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