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Those $%^&* gaiters

To: <>
Subject: Those $%^&* gaiters
From: "David Brister" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 07:54:20 +0100
I posted this some days ago but had big emai and ISP problems so may have 
missed any replies. I ask the list's indulgence as I repost this, still with 
unfitted gaiters.
lI'm replacing various bits of my rear suspension and drive. I would be very
grateful for any suggestions on how to fit those "rubber" gaiters which
cover the sliding splines on the rear half shafts of my TR4A IRS. My
difficulty is to find a way to distend the small diameter so as to get it to
pass over the knurled threaded sealing ring and then onto the small diameter
of the outer part of the shaft. I suppose one bunches up the gaiter over the
small diameter outer shaft, greases the splines and remates the two halves.
Look forward to the wisdom of the list, to whom I send early seasonal good
wishes, no dammit, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

David Brister

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