Thanks to everyone who responded to my recent plea for ideas on my
hard starting (when hot) TR6.
In the end, I found that I had one float valve sticking sometimes but
not all the time. Why it was more prone to sticking when hot is
beyond me, as is the reason why it stuck at all, since the float
valve was only a few months old. I had checked the lines and the
float valves repeatedly for debris and never found any. I finally
removed both dashpots and turned the electric pump on, and caught it
when it stuck open -- nice little geyser from the jet.
By the way, interesting trivia that you might all know anyway -- I
was most amused to discover that the engine will run at idle speed
with NO dashpots and pistons on the carbs. I guess that's bonus
knowledge but I have no idea what use it will be.
uncle jack
uncle jack
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