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Re: overdrive lube

Subject: Re: overdrive lube
From: Michael Porter <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 16:29:08 -0700 wrote:

>In a message dated 11/10/2005 4:28:22 PM Central Standard Time, 
> writes: 
>>I know a retired college professor that insists "ain't" isn't a word too 
>>but it's in common use, therefore it is a word, no matter what the
>>"authorities" say. 
>LOL.  My fourth grade teacher used to say "Ain't ain't in the dictionary so 
>ain't ain't a word."  Well, guess what?  (Hint: look in your dictionary)

While this is completely off-topic, it's within my range of knowledge.  
"Ain't" does appear in most dictionaries today, because it's come into 
common usage in most circles.  Lexicographers are notoriously slow to 
include improper usage and/or slang because meanings change over time.  
My favorite in this regard (I actually had to find the definition for 
this for a graduate research course) is "lounge lizard."  Today, it's a 
common slang term for a bad Las Vegas lounge act (or for fans of such), 
but in the `20s, it described a certain type of fellow who hung around 
the lobbies of women's hotels, looking for ladies of whom to take 
advantage. :)

"Ain't" wasn't always in the dictionary, but it is now.


Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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