Yesterday my TR250 treated me to the unmistakable sound of fluid
dripping and vaporizing on a hot surface. I popped the hood and -- you
guessed it -- the heater valve I've been eyeing suspiciously for months
has sprung a slow leak. It was a cold morning, and the leak seemed to
stop as the car got warmed up, but I'm going to take corrective action
now and order a new valve from Moss today. Any words of wisdom or
warnings about what to expect during replacement?
As a side note, my heater core is also leaking a bit (or at least it
would if I opened the valve -- tell-tale flakes of white corrosion can
be found on the carpets from time to time). That, however, will be a
winter project, and my girlfriend will have to brave a cold passanger
compartment. However, I'd love any insight on what to expect from
replacing the core.
As always, thanks everyone!
Bill S.
TR250 (CD8464L)
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