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Re: Locked Keys in Car? NO SWEAT (Read On)

Subject: Re: Locked Keys in Car? NO SWEAT (Read On)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 10:09:08 EDT
In a message dated 9/21/2005 8:38:06 AM Central Standard Time, writes: 
> Been there, done that. Dropping my keys on the hardwood floor in front 
> of the TV was enough to change the channel at a neighbor's house where 
> I housesat many years ago.
I remember reading about the history of TV remotes.  The first ones were 
actually sonic in the audible range using chimes.  They were really subject to 
falsing.  Ultrsonics could be tricked by dogs barking.  Radio controls worked 
well but they would also change your neighbor's channel as well (in the days 
before digital encryption).  Infrared proved to be the best because they were 
pretty much immune to false activation but the range was limited to the same 

But then IR did not have the range necessary for garage door remotes so they 
used radio links.  When security became an issue digital encryption was added 
and the car security remotes grew out of this technology.  And RFID.

Perhaps voice activation is the ultimate answer.  Voice ID with an 
inebriation detector.


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