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Starter diagnostics (long, sorry!)

Subject: Starter diagnostics (long, sorry!)
From: "Andrew Frink" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:17:25 -0600
The TR4 is currently refusing to start. I'm not quite sure where to begin the 
diagnostics to 
see what's up. Here's the history, and what I've done so far:

* A month ago, car started fine
* A few weeks ago, I noticed that while it would still start, sometimes if it 
didn't catch right 
away I would just hear a spinning sound (not turning the engine). Turn the key 
off, and back 
on again, and it would usually catch.
* Last week (during a parade no less) the car stalled and then wouldn't turn 
over at all with 
the key. Parade was on a hill, so a quick roll and clutch pop and all was well. 
Won't start with 
key at all now. Battery is at a little above 12volts after the 30 mile freeway 
drive home from 
the parade--seems to be where it stays most of the time.

I do get a loud click with the solenoid. Tried running a jump from battery to 
time I got a slow, small bit of engine movement. Removed/reinstalled starter, 
now jump 
doesn't give me anything, and the key makes a grinding sound.

Not sure where to try next. Any thoughts?


Andrew Frink
Salt Lake City, UT
1962 Triumph TR4 CT13184L (O)

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