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Re: Gas Prices... WOW

To: Bob Danielson <>,
Subject: Re: Gas Prices... WOW
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 12:49:06 -0700
The funny thing is that the gas sitting in the station's storage tanks 
and in the distributor's storage tanks was all made and paid for from 
cheaper oil.  They are just jacking up profits because they can and not 
because the fuel already in these tanks suddenly cost them more.

I can see them doing it on future deliveries where their cost is higher 
but doing it on existing lower cost stocks is just plain people making 
increased profits off other's misfortunes.  They are no different than 
street looters coming in on the heels of a disaster.


Bob Danielson wrote:
> I don't normally reply to my own emails but I just had to run down to Home
> Depot. In the 2 1/2 hours since my original post, Thortons went up 9 cents
> to 3.089, another place went up 36 cents to 2.999 and 2 others went up 12
> cents to 2.799. The brand names are still the "cheapest

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