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Re: Triumph Values

Subject: Re: Triumph Values
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 21:27:50 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Feibusch <>

[Regarding the generally wonderful Morris Minor]

Sure they ane underpowered and have silly little brakes but they look 
and have models from Vans and Pickups to convertibles and woodies. 
cheap-car syndrome. VW beetles are also dropping about the same. Try
selling a Herald or even worse, a Standard 10.

What is really strange to me is how people are getting $15 grand for
Messerschmitts, Isettas, and Citroen 2CVs - cars that are way less 
than the Herald or Minor.

Sorry, just some useless random thoughts.

Interesting, but from what I've seen in the past few years, it's really 
not hard at all to sell a Herald. Of course, it really, really helps if 
it's a convertible, as not many folks seem to want a Herald sedan. And 
I'll grant you that the Herald 1200 seems much more attractive to 
prospective buyers than the older, less powerful 948 series.

Once in a while, a Triumph 10 Estate wagon will catch someone's eye; 
otherwise, I suspect you're right about the sedan version. Not terribly 
interesting to most folks nowadays.

But yeah, why DO the "microcars" with almost no on-the-road usefulness 
tend to sell so well? Novelty?

--Andy  Mace

*Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?
*Man: Well, no ... It's not so  much of a jet, it's more your, er, 
Triumph Herald engine with  wings.
 -- Cut-price Airlines Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus  (22)

Check out the North American Triumph Sports 6 (Vitesse 6) and Triumph 
Herald Database at its new URL: <>

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