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RE: Old man bullshit

To: "'Joe Merone'" <>,
Subject: RE: Old man bullshit
From: "Bob Danielson" <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 16:12:32 -0400
 I agree with Joe and have an added thought about the "old man" comment
which I'm sure was tongue in cheek and meant no offense. I'm guessing that
LBC owners primarily break down into 3 or maybe 4 groups: guys who have had
them from new/used and have maintained them for 25 - 40 years, guys who had
them handed down from Dad so they've remained in the family for 25 - 40
years (my son's waiting on this one), guys who have reached that point in
their lives (usually around 50) that can now afford to buy the LBC that they
had (or lusted after) in their youth and everyone else! Teri's included as
one of the guys! A few years ago someone on the List did a survey of age and
years of ownership and I think it supports my theory/guess.

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Joe Merone
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 11:18 AM
To: Triumph List
Subject: Old man bullshit

Before this one gets out of hand like so many other thread have in the
recent past - JUST COOL IT.

I am absolutely positively sure (well, kind of absolutely anyway) that the
"old man" comment did not mean to come across as it obviously has been

Jesus guys, can't anyone write anything on this list without someone jumping
down their throat?

Joe Merone
48 years old
21 year Triumph owner
Old man?  Maybe.
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