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RE: Compression test how to

To: "'Randall'" <>,
Subject: RE: Compression test how to
From: "Joe Curry" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 08:04:31 -0700
Hey, I have a great idea.  In the future, I will not reply to any of
these threads since Randall will surely do so and it is common knowledge
that he is an expert on every subject and my experience and opinions
don't mean SHAIT.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Randall
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:13 PM
To: 'triumphs'
Subject: RE: Compression test how to

> And I would guess that you would start it up without a squirt of oil
> the cylinders as well!

No, if it's been sitting for a long time, I would squirt some
penetrating oil
in, and wait for it to penetrate down into the rings.  In fact I did
this just a
couple months ago, fired up a TR3 motor that had been put away wet 30
years ago.
Sounded really sweet, too.

But I didn't bother doing a compression check before I got it running,
I still fail to see any use in such a test, unless it shows almost zero
in one or more cylinders.  Otherwise, I would just assume a ring or
valve was
stuck, and start the engine anyway to see if it came loose on it's own.
sense in doing a test whose results I intend to ignore !

I still haven't run a compression check on that TR3 motor, and probably
until it's first tune-up after I get it running.  IMO it's most unlikely
that it
could run as well as it has already and still have significant
issues.  I'll run a compression check just as a baseline to compare
later, if it does start running poorly.  This is not a race motor, I
don't care
if it's down a couple percent on power.


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