Pam and I went downtown for our 13th anniversary last Saturday night,
drove the TR4 though the top stayed up thanks to scattered showers.
Because we're a couple of The Beautiful People, the hostess cleared a
table by the front windows so we could be seen dining there. My seat
gave me a view of our TR4 across the street -- next time I'll ask to sit
by the kitchen, since this meant I could see the cars move in and out of
the space in front of our little car.
I was out of my chair after the departing Subaru backed... and backed...
and solidly tapped the front bumper. Just then my asparagus soup arrived
and I abandoned the chase. The next car in somehow didn't hit our car
despite six (six!) forward and back zigs and zags to get anywhere near
the curb. Good thing, as they walked into the restaurant and I'm sure I
could have chased them down between ravioli and a peanut butter and
chocolate ice cream dessert.
But as I dined, I asked myself, "what would John Macartney do?" ;)
Lacking the cleverness he showed in parking his 2.5PI saloon to help a
dullwitted Audi-driving neighbor, all I could think of were balloons
taped to the bumper over-riders, or perhaps inflatable dolls strapped on
front and back of the car. What would you do?
Steven Newell
Littleton, CO USA
'62 TR4 x 2