> The drivetrain is for sale, asking $750, and it lies in Toluca
> Lace, in Southern California.
Pretty sure that's Toluca Lake, which is near Burbank. And FWIW, that's a
lot of money for a 'mystery' motor & transmission, IMO.
> The valve cover does appear to be from a 4a, however, and I have
> no idea where
> that fan on the water pump came from.
Morgans used a fan on the WP, on a TRactor motor. Or, it wouldn't be
terribly difficult to add, for someone capable of successfully transplanting
into a MG-TD.
> Perhaps it's a TR3 top-end on a 4a bottom
> end.
Looks to me to be a conglomeration ... just the sort of thing when doing a
swap. The road draft tube is blanked off, indicating a later engine, but as
you say the carbs are H6 indicating a later 3A or early 4. Also the vacuum
advance has a compression fitting, indicating an early to mid TR3A/B. The
4A rocker cover & missing thermostat housing probably indicate clearance
> Addie tells me the ID numbers on the gearbox assembly (one side
> says Stanpart
> No.3 and 305048: the other side says 304692SM).
There should be another number stamped into the boss where the clutch shaft
goes through.
> There is
> also an engraved number just below the spark plugs near the coil
> of CT74096E
If it came from a Triumph, that would be a late TR4A, probably 1967. I
don't know offhand, but I assume Morgan was still buying TRactor motors at
that point, perhaps others were too.
> I'd be interested to know if the gearbox is from a TR3, 4 or 4a.
It's a 4-synchro, so not from a TR3. And I'm pretty sure it's not later
than 4A, I think the TR250/5 boxes had more stiffening ribs and a thicker
front flange. But without the numbers or a look at the front housing, I
don't know if there's any way to tell a '4 box from a 4A.