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Re: New exhaust system help.

To: Jim Barbuscia <>,
Subject: Re: New exhaust system help.
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 11:22:36 -0700
Hi  Jim,
        Why  don't you go to a GOOD muffler shop and have them weld 
the connections??
That is  what I did for  my TR3 and have been happy with the results. 
BTW not  to sound racist or anything, but frankly  I found the 
Mexican shops (the ones that do all the hot Asian Cars) to be very, 
very good at this sort of thing  ...

>What did the factory do? If I have to do the Sawz-all routine, I'll 
>just live with the fumes!
>Oh, by the way the system is the Bell stainless. Aside from the fume 
>issue the fit and finish are very nice.

Bill  Pugh
1957 TR3 TS16765L
1971 TR6 CC59179L
Wallace, CA

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