Team, My TR4 is original engine, but professionally rebuilt about 1000 miles
ago. It has a NAPA type low cost electric fuel pump and is running terribly
first couple times out this year. Does anyone know what the fuel pressure
should be at the carb input with the factory pump? Thanks in advance. Bill
I assume you have eliminated ignition problems. You only need about 2 1/2
p.s.i. pressure. However, you need at least 25 gallons per hour flow.
I had a bad NAPA fuel pressure regulator in the TR3 racecar. NAPA recalled
these disc-shaped regulators. The car would idle O.K., but would miss and
carry on if you revved it. The flow was sufficient for idle, but not for
RPMs above idle. Kas told me to check the flow. Disconnect the line at the
carbs and run the electric pump. Pump the fuel into a quart jar, time it,
and do the math.
I took the regulator out of the system and it ran great.
John Herrera