> Even though I'm a month away from installing both my engine and transmission
> into my TR3A, I thought I'd ask this question to the list. What inexpensive
> things (seals, flushing, filters,etc) should I do to my stock non-OD
> transmission before re-installing it?
Kind of depends on it's history, Paul. If I didn't know anything about it, I'd
want to at least remove the top cover and inspect inside. Look for general crud
buildup, chipped teeth, worn fingers on the shift forks, etc. You can check the
synchro rings by pushing them towards the gear and measuring between the teeth
of the ring and the dog teeth of the gear. If memory serves, this measurement
should be at least .025" (new is about .045"). I'd also change all the gaskets
and seals including the ones on the shifter shafts. Also pull out the pin that
retains the countershaft and inspect it.
If all that looks OK, you can probably get by without pulling the box apart and
inspecting the countershaft bearings and thrust washers. However, these are
common wear points and if the box has over 50k miles on it, probably need