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ignition switch

To: <>
Subject: ignition switch
From: "Alan Salvatore" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2005 16:37:59 -0500
I went out to lunch this afternoon. After lunch jumped in the car put the key
in the ignition and I couldn't turn the key; which isn't unusual, taking the
key out and turning it around always remidies the situation, but not today!
I sat there for about 15 minutes fooling with it before the chamber decided to
I guess this is another sign of old age.  I am assuming  that the only fix is
to replace the lock assembly so it doesn't  happen again.  I just happen to
have a new lock, but the new locks don't use the triumph keys and I think its
a PIA to replace thats why I  didn't do it a couple of years ago when the
switch needed replacing.

Ashford,  how about a Georgia tech session, so somebody shows me how its


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