In a message dated 3/4/2005 12:30:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> For the first ten minutes or so that the engine runs it will stutter or even
> die when revved. If the throttle is applied slowly then it accelerates
> smoothly. This problem clears up after the engine is fully up to
> What are the usual suspects in this case ? Fuel restriction ? Timing
> ? Vacuum Leak ?
> Cheerio
> Jerry Goulet
This sounds familiar Jerry. My TR3B would not run right at all, choke or
not, until she warmed up. Same symptoms as you describe. I ran her like this
a few years. Then one day at the TRA Nationals I decided to get the tools
out and start "Fooling Around." This attracted a crowd of course and one of
those curious was the legendary John Yule from Indiana who drives the coolest
tricked out TR3B ever. The Carbs were first of course and John told me to take
the adjuster nuts down until the engine sounds "Happy." I took them both down
at least 5 flats from where they were, more than I was conformable with since
I thought that would be way too Rich! But she sounded "happy" there so I left
them like that. The 3B has never ran better and no more cold running