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RE: sandblasting equipment

To: <>
Subject: RE: sandblasting equipment
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 14:09:10 -0800
> Aside from the silica
> issue, for which I use a full painters mask (the nice kind, not
> just a paper filter).

I'd be surprised if your mask will stop silica particles of the size that
cause silicosis (0.5 to 10 microns), unless it's either an electrostatic or
HEPA filter.  Paint droplets are far larger.    Personally, I'd also want
some way to know if it's working, since the dangerous particles are
invisible to the naked eye.

Chronic silicosis can take 20 years or more to manifest, once it does there
is no known cure.

At $9 for 150#, sounds like Black Beauty is far cheaper.


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