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birthdays & TRs

To: TR List <>
Subject: birthdays & TRs
From: "James R. Holekamp" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 18:43:50 -0600
Greetings All:

On 30 Jun 67, age 22, while riding in a U.S. Army M151, 1/4 T (Jeep), on 
the way home from turning in my field artillery battery's monthly 
payroll, I saw a TR4 on the rear row of a used car dealer's lot near 
Hanau, (then West) Germany.  We stopped, I took a test drive and it was 
all over.  As quickly as possible, I got a local driver license, 
negotiated a loan, and on 17 Jul 67, for US$1,699.00, I bought TR4 
CT38895LO, the first car I ever owned 100%.  As I type, this TR4 is 
resting quietly in my garage in suburban Chicago.

In a short while (didn't seem short then) the TR4 transported my new 
wife from the church on our honeymoon to the lakes district of northern 
Italy and in due course brought home the new mother and daughter from 
the 97th General Hospital in Frankfurt am Main. In 69 it was shipped 
from Bremen to Bayone, New Jersey, USA, and driven to upstate New York 
where I met my new wife's family for the first time.  Than on to 
Atlanta, Georgia (infant daughter riding behind the seats in a wicker 
basket) where it served as the sole family car for the next 4 years - 
not always to the complete agreement of my wife - although she's my wife 
until today.

By the late '70s the TR4 was seldom driven but always maintained in 
reasonable condition.  It was trucked to the Chicago area along with our 
other household goods in 1988, (I was working in Asia) and frame-off 
restored in the middle '90s. Each of our three daughters learned to 
drive using the TR4 (their boyfriends, etc.,  generally didn't know how 
to drive a std trans car) and they each used it while in high school on 
special occasions.

Since I stopped working seriously about 5 years ago, I've spent a lot 
more time driving the TR4. For example, last April I drove it to 
Tallahassee to attend the SE VTR Convention and managed to blow a head 
gasket on the way home, just north of Nashville - as I reported to the 
list. Amazingly, I'll be 60 years old in 31 days and the TR4 predates 
almost everything else. I'm truly looking forward to the end of winter 
and the start of the driving season. Here's a link to some photos of my TR4:

brgds, Jay

'64 Triumph TR4 since '67

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