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RE: TR4 Sputter?

To: "Tim I. Purdy" <>, <>
Subject: RE: TR4 Sputter?
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 22:24:29 -0800
> > Not much to go on, but my guess would be a leaky float valve.  Next time
> > it
> > chugs & wants to die, check the exhaust to see if it's black.
> I have noticed some black residue from the exhaust, when I idle it first
> thing in the morning.

That's not necessarily a leaky valve, since it's tough to use the choke without
causing at least a bit of smoke.

>   So, what steps should I do correct this, if its the
> float valve,

Roughly, open the float chamber and check for any sediment or foreign matter in
the chamber.  If you find any, track down the source and deal with it.  Inspect
the float to be sure there's no fuel inside (for a brass float).  Remove the
needle from the valve and clean it.  If the soft lines look anything less than
perfect, any signs of cracking or deterioration, replace all of them.  (Don't
recall offhand if the TR4 has a soft line under the fuel tank, but if so,
replace it too.)  Make sure the float lever and pivot are in good shape.  Check
the float level.  If you have H6 carbs (early TR4), also be sure that both lever
arms touch the float simultaneously.  Reassemble everything, and chances are
good that will solve the problem.

If not, you can buy new float valves from the usual suspects (they're normally
included in the carb kits).

You mentioned replacing the fuel pump ... was it a stock-type replacement ?
Might be worth checking the fuel pressure if the above steps don't help, SU and
ZS carbs cannot stand more than 4 psi of fuel pressure.


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