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Re: Electric Vehicles

To: Triumph <>
Subject: Re: Electric Vehicles
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 08:18:44 -0700
Craig responded to Nick's note:

>>    My car's range is at least 45 miles in the hills where I live.  My 
>> commute is 14 miles each way.  The vast majority of people in the USA 
>> have a commute of 30 miles or less.  If you need to go farther, take 
>> the other car.
> Other car? So if my wife and I each need to travel more than 22.5 
> miles from home on the same day once in a while, we need to own and 
> maintain four vehicles?

Sweet, a reason to buy more cars! I LOVE alternative energy!

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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