Hi Listers,
Well we have totaled up the expenses from AnnaBelle's Diary
and the figures look like this:
Gas Total Price Total Averages
118.6 gal $231.64 $/Gal - 1.95 (premium)
23.03 MPG
This of course does not cover food/lodging, but for 2731
miles I guess it is a little cheaper than two folks flying, but not
nearly as much "fun". For those of you just tuning in the trip was
in a TR6 from Bowling Green, KY to Wallace, CA via ... Memphis, TN,
Dallas, TX, El Paso, TX, Sauharito, AZ, Phoenix, AZ, Needles, CA,
Barstow, CA, Bakersfield, CA and finishing in Wallace, CA.
Would I do it again ... sure ... as long as I have
AnnaBelle at my side we can go anywhere and do anything.
Bill Pugh
1957 TR3 TS16765L
1971 TR6 CC59179L
Wallace, CA