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Re: Flyoff handbrake

To: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Flyoff handbrake
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 08:42:41 -0500
In a message dated 12/5/2004 11:54:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, <>  writes:
The real  question on flyoff handbrakes is: does anyone out there really use
the  flyoff capability?


Every chance I get.

It's a lot of fun on rain slicked asphalt.
Its kinda like playing smokey and the bandit, or dukes of hazard but using
the brakes instead of a V8 engine.

Just a couple nights ago I was explaining the hand brake and its benefits to
a co-worker.
It was late, it had been raining all day and the parking lot was empty, so
we went out and had a little fun on the slick streets.

A few doughnuts on the slick parking lot intermixed with liberal jerks of
the handbrake and you are doing automotive pirouettes.
Throw a cardboard box out at the far end and see if you can grab the brake
and swing the rear around it and then hop on the gas and oversteer back
around into the direction you came from.
The great part about doing it in an early TR is that you can make it a two
person game.
You've got the driver and the brake man!

Remember in the scene in The Blues Brothers where they park the car in front
of the fancy restaurant?
I don't have the guts to do that of course.  Go a little too far and slam
your passenger side wheels sideways into a curb.
No thanks.

I can understand the attraction of "drifting."  
I just can't see myself killing sets of tires that quickly .
(Much less having enough power to do so) 

So yeah . .have some fun with you flyoff handbrake on a slick street.

Scott Tilton
1963 TR4 Everyday

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