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Re: TR6 exhaust systems

To: "Randall" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 exhaust systems
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 21:22:32 -0500
Cc: "Triumphs" <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
> So, Kai, why aren't you informing us ?  Like who exactly you
> think is selling those exhausts on eBay ... since they didn't
> bother to identify themselves.  Presumably you're talking about
> Engel Imports ... why won't you (or they) say so ?  Something
> to hide, perhaps ?

I am not in the business of promoting my competitors... so why should I
bother mentioning them by name?  I'll leave that to people with more time on
their hands - if they wish to dig around and figure it out.  But at the same
time, I dislike seeing incorrect information being spread about, and I would
react and reply the same no matter who or what that information was about if
I knew it to be untrue or unfair.

> Except that the only company Fred mentioned is right here in
> the USA, and honors warranty claims directly.

You think TRF is going to take back your Falcon exhaust five years down the
road if it falls apart?  Never mind that fact that you never know if TRF
will actually be in business in 5 years.  Those bastards won't even take
back the defective clutch shafts that they sell, and continue to sell...
and yes, those clutch shafts are always going to be an issue with me,
because if they have that attitude towards one of their known bad products,
who knows what other pieces of defective junk they are continuing to pass
off as acceptible.

Randall, no matter how much you attempt to argue the minutia of this
discussion, it was all about Fred making a completely false statement
because he was unaware of who the eBay seller was... which is wholey unfair
to that eBay seller, and gave the impression that they providing misleading
information in their auction for the exhausts.


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