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Re: Another TR6 (Not LBC but LBB)

To: Triumph List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Another TR6 (Not LBC but LBB)
From: dave northrup <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:59:43 -0700 (PDT)
we drove south from toronto in a canadian rental car (we're american) and 
didn't have any trouble crossing the border.  the key here is to have all your 
papers in order!

Hugh Fader <> wrote:Well, I just won an eBay auction for another 
TR6. Check out:

This is identical to a bike I had in the late 70s. One day while riding it,
I flew over the hood of a car while the bike remained behind me.

I am looking for transport advice. I plan to trailer it home. The bike is in
Buffalo. Being in Southeast Michigan, the fastest route is through Canada.
Can anybody give advice about bringing a vehicle into and out of Canada on
the same day? I suppose I could take the long route through Ohio if it looks
like I'll have trouble with customs.

Thanks in advance.

Hugh Fader
72 TR6
72 TR6R

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