I have Strombergs on my street TR6, totally stock, and they work just fine.
It may be remotely interesting, though, that there is a very basic problem
with Strombergs when it comes to racing.
On Strombergs, the pivot for the floats is on one side. That means that in
a hard corner, the fuel sloshes up the side of the float bowl and move the
float inappropriately, and depending on which way you turn, the car will
either run rich or run out of gas. I tried to use Stroms on my race car for
three years before I figured out why the car ran so crappy coming out of
corners. My street TR6 exhibits the same behavior, when I'm stopped at a
stop light, it turns green, and I really goose it (usually trying to show
off to some fellow driver). It's pretty humbling to have the darned thing
cough and sputter. SU's often behave this way too if the float pevits
aren't arranged properly, but on SU's the float chamber tops can be turned
to eliminate the problem.
I do have a set of H6S's on the shelf awaiting installation in the TR6, but
really all they have done so far is assure that the Strombergs continue to
perform so well.
uncle jack
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