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RE: speedometer problems

To: "charles dubois" <>, "Triumphs" <>
Subject: RE: speedometer problems
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 14:50:43 -0700
> Now my problem:  The speedometer has not worked for 25 years(of
> course 23 of those years, nothing worked).  I put the car up on
> blocks, started it, put it into gear and found that the cable was
> not spinning at all.  But I could see that the gear that you
> insert the cable into was spinning.  So I put some duct tape on
> the end of the cable and basically forced it into the gear.  Now
> it seems to work fine but I doubt that this will be a long term solution.
> It seems I may need a new speedometer drive gear(Moss 697-220)
> but they list as NA.
> Does this seem like the solution ie a new drive gear?

I would be more inclined to suspect the end of the cable.  It should have a
squared off section that extends some distance past the end.  I'd also be
looking for what caused it to fail, eg does your speedo head seize when it
gets hot ?

> If so and I can find one, how does one install it?

There is a setscrew on the side that you'll have to remove.  Then there's a
bushing assembly to pull out ... last time I did this it didn't want to come
so I screwed the nut from an old speedo cable onto it, and pried upwards on
both sides of the nut at once.  With the bushing in hand, it should be a
simple matter to pull the drive gear out of it.  It should just fall out,
but might take some persuasion.

The TR2-3 drive gear was pretty stout, so it should be easy to find an
original one in good condition.  If you are convinced you need one and can't
find it, let me know.


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