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RE: disk road wheel hub cap studs - TR4

To: "Francis L. Precht" <>
Subject: RE: disk road wheel hub cap studs - TR4
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2004 09:26:16 -0700
Cc: <>
> Does anyone know where I can obtain, or perhaps have a suggestion for
> making some replacement studs onto which the hub caps snap ??  I need 6,
> and none of the big 3 catalogs seem to list them.  I thought about maybe
> trying to 'turn' some using maybe brass bolts (brass = softer, and I
> don't have a metal lathe).
> Any suggestions other than to buy 2 new disk road wheels ?

If you do come up with a source, please let me know.  My initial attempts
were made with 1/4" bolts and a short section of 1/4" id steel tubing, then
hand shaping with a cutoff blade in an angle grinder after installing them
on the wheel.  Actually work fairly well, although it takes more force than
usual to get the hubcap on/off.

My second attempt (for a replacement wheel) was turned in a drill press.
They work OK too, but since the head was smaller, needed to be located
further out on the wheel.  I recently traced a mysterious rattle to the hub
cap rattling on these studs. (Tying rubber bands around two studs fixed the

If I ever revisit the topic, I'll probably turn some out of steel (I've
since bought a lathe).


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