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Re: TR6 fog lamps : what was original?

To: "Darrell Floyd" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 fog lamps : what was original?
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:16:07 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Darrell Floyd wrote:
That's real interesting about the "Silver Sabre" version.  I was not aware

ISTR the FT9's were sealed beam units. I've seen some periodically at
autojumbles and was tempted to buy one of each for the PI. Eventually
settled on the Square Eights (Fog and Spot) because they fitted neatly
under-bumper (pic attached, sorry listers). Worth mentioning too, that Rolls
Royce used two fog Square Eights on Silver Shadows until 197-? as front

Do you know what is OK for later Cars?

I guess Square Eights and FT9's would be acceptable as they were sold in
parallel by auto stores for a number of years.

What about Cibie lights?

Cough, splutter, gasp! FRENCH lights?????? I thought you of all people
Darrell, erred towards *factory* originality? :) though its possible some of
the later factory rally cars (Innsbrucks especially) prepared at Abingdon
had Cibies - can't remember. If you must give garlic-flavoured overtones to
the front end of your car, I suppose you could do worse than go for a set of
Cibie Oscars - but it will make the car look a lot nose-heavy with two lamps
like glazed washing-up bowls.


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