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RE: TR 3a vs 4A clutch stuff

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR 3a vs 4A clutch stuff
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 16:50:44 -0700
> I will be mating a TR4A gearbox to my TR3a engine. I have the flywheel,
> friction disc, clutch, and throwout bearings from both.
> I know this has gone around before but it didn't stick to me
> since I wasn't
> in this situation at the time; my apologies for the rehash:
> Is one setup preferable?

While it's always dangerous to disagree with Jack, I feel the earlier clutch
is better made and more bulletproof.  And the extra surface area should mean
it lasts longer, although I've never had to take one apart because it was
worn out.  It's only disadvantage is that it's heavier, which really isn't a
disadvantage unless you're racing.

You're right, you need to move the TOB, sleeve and front cover from the 3A
tranny to the 4A tranny.

Check the length of the 3 studs at the top, between the engine block and the
tranny.  I don't recall just when the flange got thicker, but I know it did.
And make sure the locating pins are present.

I think everything else has been pretty well covered.  Oh yeah, you might
want to consider moving the shift lever over.


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