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RE: A very "cool" Problem

To: "'chipbull'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: A very "cool" Problem
From: "Bill Miller" <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 16:07:59 -0500
Thread-index: AcR3OwjwkVmCaRACRpWX02A7TJ4KKwABqJmA i6VL9Tt2020949
Hi Chip,

I had a similar problem in a non TR.  It wound up being a non vented fuel
system....  Do this simple test, after you drive to the market or wherever,
pop the fuel filler cap.  If it rushes air or hisses, that is most likely
the same problem I had.  You should be able to start right up without
waiting.....   The 1-1/2 is about the exact amount of time I had to wait to
restart until I found the problem.  I guess it took that long for air to
seep back in through the plugged vent....

May not be your problem, but it is an easy test...


-----Original Message-----
Car starts up perfectly, runs fine at idle, motors well on the highway, BUT
if the trip has been any longer than a quick trip to the center of town for
a quart of milk, once the engine is turned off.. and the car is left with
its fully warmed-up parts percolating under the hood.. any attempt to start
the will meet with immediate failure and any additional attempts in anything
under one and a half hours will result in nothing more than a warn down
Wait the obligatory 1.5 hours, however, and it is an entirely different
story. car starts up just fine.

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