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Thermostats and temperature senders

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: Thermostats and temperature senders
From: "Anthony Rhodes" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 20:08:16 -0400
Well, I have purchased the Moss modern skirted thermostat for my TR4A (I think
XK's unlimited is the source).  During the restoration a modern non-skirted
'stat was installed. The temp reading stays nearly exactly the same  no matter
what the temperature or degree of idling in extremely hot conditions.
However, I like the idea of closing off the bypass when the engine is properly
warmed up.  This ought to minimize the risk of overheating.

Has anyone actually USED one of these on their cars?

This new skirted 'stat is very interesting.  I had worked out the design of
just such a 'stat about 5 years ago.  This unit is PRECISELY what I had
designed and discussed right here on this list!  It even used the same Robert
Shaw high flow thermostat.  I had based the design on the Shaw unit because I
had one on hand, and it seemed good.  Is this a coincidence?  Maybe so.
Anyway, as long as it works I do not really care if they made use of what
might technically be my intellectual property, especially since I freely
discussed it to the entire world.  It would have cost me more that $45 to
fabricate one, and a one-off hand made (by me) would not have been nearly as
nice.  I wish I could find my spare thermostat housing to see how well it
actually blocks off the bypass hole.

Now, as for my temperature gauge....  It is "supposed" to read at 1/2 way when
at the right temperature.  I have a new temp sender and now the gauge reads
about 3/4 (it points slightly to the right of the K in "Made in UK"). Is there
something I can do to get it to read 1/2 way and also read correctly when it
starts to overheat? I'd rather not use steam as my overheat indicator.  Maybe
I ought to just re-use the 38 year old original sender.


P.S.  An interesting finding.  I tested my old 'stat and the new one in
gradually heated water.  They began to open at the same time, but the old one
opened fully slightly sooner.  It closed nearly instantly when removed from
the hot water.  The new 'stat only gradually closed.  I am not sure it makes
any difference.  Maybe the more gradual action is superior....


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