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RE: [stag] TSC USA & VTR 2004 Staggering attendance - Don't forget Bront

To: <>
Subject: RE: [stag] TSC USA & VTR 2004 Staggering attendance - Don't forget Bronte Park, and Triumphest 2004
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:13:34 -0700
Cc: "Triumphs" <>
> By this
> year end I will have logged over 9000 miles in this Stag alone.

Not that it's really relevant ... but I noticed today that I am just 8,000
miles short of logging 200,000 miles in my TR3A since I bought it in 1984.
It already had 114,000 on it then, so it's on it's third trip around the
dial ... and I put another 400 on today with at least 30 of that in 2nd &
3rd gear in the Santa Ynez mountains.


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