> John threw up his hands and said "I just use a vice"
> So How big a vice do I need? Is 6" OK or do I need 8"
Mine's only a 6" and I get by OK. Sometimes takes a little creativity.
> 6" vice
> http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=3796
If you get one of these, I'd suggest forcing a rubber washer over each end
of the handle. Otherwise it can pinch you.
> Any opinions on this 20 ton press? I know it's overkill for U-Joints but
> maybe I can use it for other stuff?
> http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=32879
A few years back, there was an article in one of the Village Press
publications, where someone tried to copy that design. He reported that the
pins that locate the 'table' were way too weak to take 20 tons of force, and
needed to be upgraded. Of course, they may have taken his advice by now, I
don't know.
IMO it's a tossup whether the vice is easier than the press or not.