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Land Rover brake question, no LBC

Subject: Land Rover brake question, no LBC
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 07:47:25 EDT
To the list,
I apologize for using this forum for a non-triumph question, but I am 
somewhat at my wits end with a problem with the brakes on my daughter's 1999 
Rover Discovery model.  I recently had the rotors and pads replaced by a 
reputable brake shop.  (all four rotors were replaced)  The problem is that the 
cannot keep the brakes from squealing.  They have tried five times and the most 
recent time replaced the pads with a different type of pad.  I am sorry but I 
do not know the pad they are now using.  They are very concerned and have 
been excellent to keep trying to resolve the problem, but they cannot seem to 
this one quite right.  Is there a trick that someone knows or something 
perculiar to Land Rover brakes that I can pass on to the shop to help them find 
solution to this problem?  My daughter and I would appreciate any advice that 
we can pass along.  
I also want to thank the guys on this list for the constant supply of good 
information.  As a lurker, and very occasional questioner, it has meant a great 
deal to me to have this forum for advice and support.  Thanks in advance.
David Gill

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