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RE: how do I remove the front hub?

To: "tri" <>
Subject: RE: how do I remove the front hub?
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 22:11:45 -0700
> so, how do I remove this hub?

If you've removed the center bolt (which is also the crank dog), then some
rapping with a brass hammer around the flange on the extension should move
the hub off.  If not, you'll need to rig a puller of some sort.  Don't pull
against the pulley flanges, they will bend.  A steering wheel puller works
well, with bolts into the fan extension and some sort of rod in the center
to push against the crank nose.  Since I have no fan extension and my hub is
mounted with Loctite, I use a harmonic balancer puller with bolts into the
hub itself (and nuts behind).

Once the hub is out of the way, you'll need to remove the timing cover, undo
the bolts that hold the gear onto the camshaft, then remove the timing chain
and cam gear.  With everything else you've removed, that should free the


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