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RE: hemmings vs. ebay

To: <>
Subject: RE: hemmings vs. ebay
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 20:21:19 -0700
> the glossy nice looking cars all finished and
> ready to drive close
> in the 10,000.00 to 15,000.00 range. but hen a funny thing happens, a week
> later they reappear over and over again.

I daresay a lot of those are because the buyer discovers that the seller has
been less than forthright in his description.  There have been several tales
of woe given on this list ...

To answer the earlier question, IMO the price difference between eBay and
Hemmings is the difference between a very motivated seller, and a motivated
buyer.  Hemmings (or even the VTR classifieds) will get you more money, for
a nice car, but it will take a lot longer than 10 days to sell.  Unless you
find a sucker, you won't get top dollar on eBay.


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