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Re: What's a Miata?

Subject: Re: What's a Miata?
From: don spence <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 09:19:13 -0600
What's a Miata?
Wwell in my estimation it's a continuation of an old japanese tradition 
of taking a British design and refining it so that it actually 
functions properly for more than a day or so. ( BSA-Yamaha)  In other 
words, it's a British sports car for people who either don't know how, 
or don't care to "wrench".

In my motorcycle days I once asked a true biker (read "hog riding fool" 
) for advice on acquiring a bike for long distance riding. His 
response, which I believe applies in parallel to anyone considering a 
two seat open sports car today was, "Depends. If your idea of wrenching 
is two hours every morning tightening everything up, get a hog. If your 
idea of wrenching is counting the wheels every month or so, buy 

I don't own a Miata but have driven one, albeit a prepped one with 
really sticky tires and it was amazing.  A club-mate who also owns 
vintage bikes and a 60's Alpine prefers the Miata for touring. 
Reliable, one hand top lowering and raising, from the drivers seat yet 
and no "Sunday morning topping up ceremony".

What's a Miata. It's a Japanese engineered, mass-produced version of 
the Lotus Elan with none of the inherent frailty of the original.  (and 
some would say lacking some of the character) Maybe it's what Colin 
would have produced if he had had multi millions of dollars for R & D 
instead of mere thousands and a Ford of England parts book.

In 30 years it will probably have the same panache to the next 
generation of middle agers as the cars of our youth do for us.

On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 05:45  PM, daily 
digest wrote:

> What's a Miata?

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