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Re: RV: TR3A in Argentina

To: Fernando Sánchez Zinny <>
Subject: Re: RV: TR3A in Argentina
From: "Eric K." <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 01:29:24 +0200 (CEST)
Cc: "''" <>
References: <6152784349E2D411834400062933539E25B741@NS1>
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.2 [CVS]
Fernando Sanchez Zinny said:
> Dear listers
> I thought it was a good idea to dismantle the control head of my TR3A
> (1960)
> because it was becoming a little loose. Very bad idea!!
> After three hours of painful job I gave up leaving the steering wheel in a
> miserable condition. I was lucky, though, to recover all kind of strange
> pieces that finished under the seats during the process. I find very
> difficult to imagine how to put the control head together again.
> Does anybody know if there is a bible about this? Any help and a little of
> comfort will be very welcome.

There's a zipped MSWord-file on the disassembly of the control head here:

Although it doesn't deal with reassembly of the thing, it may still be of
some help in finding out where all the little parts should go.

Good luck!

Eric (who, after reading the MSWord-file, decided not to bother with
trying to repair his car's previous failed control head but like a lazy,
modern consumer just forked out $99.- for a new one. It said 'made in
Taiwan' on the box...)

'57 TR3a TS23315L - black
'76 Spit FH88257L - Java green

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