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Re: TR3A Week 7 update (rambleish)

Subject: Re: TR3A Week 7 update (rambleish)
From: Triumph TR2 <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 08:15:33 -0400
References: <04b801c44f5d$2235a3b0$5300a8c0@kitchen> <>
Thanks all for the great advise and encouragement - plan on using it all!

>Brakes and Suspension are numbers one and two on the list.
>see how tight  the steering is...
>might include new tires as the ones on it are likely rather old.
>evaluate the cooling system.
>add a Haynes workshop manual to your collection
> Once the thing is safely driveable...
>why bother checking compression, etc. ?  Let's get this thing on the road !

>That's nice, dear.  Um, why don't you just get a Miata?

Dave  - ironically, as we rolled the TR off the trailer last month, my 17
year old daughter said, "That's really nice, Dad. Can we get a 'Vette
instead?" (My response - What do you mean "we"? )

Cameron Joyce
'59 TR3A (nearly as good as a 'vette or Miati in some circles)
'54 TR2 (now knowing some of what to look for, looked closer... YIKES!)

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