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trans swap II

To: <> i574mrgs010031
Subject: trans swap II
From: "January Williams" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 21:47:19 -0700
Thread-index: AcRMSoOE8gHcaOIAQ4KnBQAL4SX5WA==
Thread-topic: trans swap II
Voila! it's in and running.
Only other thing was I got to where I was putting the tunnel cover back on and 
I noticed one of the captive nuts at the top was missing, darn, must be on the 
floor. Nope. Then it hit me, oohmydog! it's in the bellhousing - or worse, in 
the clutch. I went under with a drop light and peeped in the weep hole, and 
there it was. So I hadda remove the lower cover and fish it out. So next time 
I'm going to pop off those captive nuts before installing a trans.
OD is nice, I like it
66 TR4A CTC74217LO

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