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RE: Gear oil lube

To: <>
Subject: RE: Gear oil lube
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 07:41:35 -0700
Arnold S. Gilmour wrote :
>  I tried some LE (Lubrication Engineers) 90W gear oil in the TR Tranny and
> it actually causes the tired synchronizers to work better than the light
> weight synthetic oil most TR fans tout.

Just out of curiosity Arnold, who are these "most TR fans" ?

> LE has no sulfur or ash to cause
> sludge.   So, it is not a detergent oil.

The two have nothing to do with each other ... the "detergent" is to keep
wear particles suspended in the oil so they can be caught by the filter,
rather than settling out to the bottom where they stay inside the engine.
Automotive gear oils should always be non-detergent.

And since it is a petroleum-based oil rather than a full synthetic, it _has_
sulfur and ash.  Possibly in low concentrations, but they're there.  Oddly
enough, there are no specifications for such things on their web site ... it
reads more like a Slick-50 commercial.

If it walks like an oily snake ...


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