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Brit Car Week success in IL

Subject: Brit Car Week success in IL
From: Pat Fischer <>
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 08:59:54 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007
We drove the 250 from Kansas City across Missouri to St. Louis, then 
north along the Great River Road. Our nine-day trip included staying in 
a cabin in beautiful Pere Marquette State Park with hiking, wonderful 
back roads and pretty small towns, and a Galena B&B as a base so we 
could hike some more and go to the Mississippi River museum in Dubuque. 
We had to dodge bad weather a few times, especially coming back through 
Iowa and Missiouri on May 30th. We kept navigating for the clearer sky! 
The trip was mechanically smooth, except for a reluctant hood latch at 
one point. When we finally got the hood open a day later, the car didn't 
even need oil.

The Great River Road is a system of secondary roads someone has 
designated that parallel the Mississippi River from the gulf into 
Canada. Highly recommend it. We're thinking of doing various parts of it 
a piece at a time, just as hikers do the Appalachian Trail.
Hope everyone's Brit Car Week was just as good!

Pat Fischer

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